An all-in-one solution to safely destruct all types of waste and produce energy
Our TDA technology allows a clean destruction of Municipal Solid Waste, Organics and Refuse-Derived Fuel. Depending on the quantities and the mix composition, an energetic production is possible.
All kinds of plastics
With their high HHV, plastics allow very interesting waste-to-energy applications such as heat, steam, electricity or cold that you can sell or use for your own processes.
Our technology is able to process tires and the steel can be recovered. Their HHV can also allow energetic valorization. The gas issued from the tires' dissociation shall be dully cleaned with a scrubber.
Dewatered sludges
Sludges issued from the DECOMEX, SCADEX, ECCOFLOX or our CARBONIZER can be destroyed alone or mixed with other residues in the TDA for energetic production.
How does it work?
The Thermo Dissociation Anoxic is a simple decomposition by thermolysis in a sealed chamber under negative pressure, high thermal flux and high temperature without any oxygen, air or steam presence.
We obtain a gaseous fuel: a hot synthetic and energetic gas containing gaseous hydrocarbons and very few inert ashes (fixed carbon). A cyclonic filter removes the particles from the gas flow.
The Thermo-Dissociation Anoxic technology
An innovative way to cleanly and safely process many kinds of waste without any burning.
Many residues, alone or in a mixture, can be processed and the fuel gas can be used for waste-to-energy applications (hot water, steam, electricity, cooling...).
It is a clean waste destruction process: we never burn waste, we don’t have emissions or formation of dioxins or furans due to temperature and the non-oxidizing atmosphere, there is no odors, no soot, no effluents nor leachates emissions.
About the ultimate residues
In special residues processing, the few ashes can be vitrified into slags if any remaining contaminants are detected.
Slags are compliant with EPA TCLP y California Title 22 STLC & TTLC leach tests.
> You're dealing with electronics? Take a look at the TDA-REWAKE
> We have developped specific solutions for safely processing biohazardous waste: discover the TDA-MEDICWASTE